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The University of Manchester Reviews

1,273 Reviews by Students

How do you rate The University of Manchester?

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Ratings and Reviews


4.08 / 5 from 1,273 verified student reviews

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Campus / Facilities
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Internet / Wifi
Most helpful review

The University of Manchester is the biggest on-campus universitiy in Europe, and has more societies than you can even think to name. There's a thriving student community and this is well-supported by department staff, comprehensive teaching, and shared building and resources for the students.

Campus / Facilities
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Students Union
Careers Service
Internet / Wifi
By member8101596
On 21st February 24
verified Verified student
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The University of Manchester Hall Rankings

Kincardine Court #1
Bridgewater Heights #2
Victoria Point #3
Piccadilly Point #4
The Chapel #5
Mill Point #6
Mayfair Court #7
Chancellors Court #8
Sir Charles Groves Halls #9
Canvas Manchester #10

*Minimum 10 reviews required to be ranked.

Students' Union at The University of Manchester

StudentCrowd Students' Union score: 4.13 / 5

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Ratings and Reviews


4.08 / 5 from 1,273 verified student reviews

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Campus / Facilities
Clubs and Societies
Students Union
Careers Service
Internet / Wifi
Most helpful review

The University of Manchester is the biggest on-campus universitiy in Europe, and has more societies than you can even think to name. There's a thriving student community and this is well-supported by department staff, comprehensive teaching, and shared building and resources for the students.

Campus / Facilities
Clubs and Societies
Students Union
Careers Service
Internet / Wifi
By member8101596
On 21st February 24
verified Verified student
Read all reviews

Applying to The University of Manchester

Entry Requirements

104-168 UCAS Points

Average range for The University of Manchester entry requirements. Varies depending on the course.

Offer and Acceptance Rates
Offer rate:
Acceptance rate:

This is the latest available data, published by UCAS - 9th January 2023. All data is based on UCAS standard definitions.


how this uni ranked worldwide
By On 19th July 21
Any reviews for International Development course at University of Manchester?
By member550638 On 21st September 20
My son is due to start at the university of York this weekend but now wants to try and get s place at university of Manchester, is he likely to get a place if has the grades this late in the dsy?
By member942386 On 24th September 19
can I get into the business school with GCSE maths C grade since I have three AS level As
By member1042200 On 15th September 19
whats the size of the campus
By member735309 On 15th December 18

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Read The University of Manchester Reviews

Student Review: 5 /5
By member10111403 On 14th June 24 verified Verified student

Great experience and nice environment

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Student Review: 5 /5
By member4111382 On 14th June 24 verified Verified student

Great teaching and social experiences

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Student Review: 3.2 /5
By member13110523 On 7th June 24 verified Verified student

I liked uni. I didn't make a lot of friends but overall I had a good experience the first year. Here's to a better second year!

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Student Review: 5 /5
By member12110058 On 31st May 24 verified Verified student

An amazing University. Great city, multicultural and perfect for students. Nothing to complain about.

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Student Review: 5 /5
By member13110046 On 30th May 24 verified Verified student

very good experience staying here

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Student Review: 3.8 /5
By member4109115 On 20th May 24 verified Verified student

Really good! I enjoyed my university experience

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Careers Service
Internet / Wifi
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Student Review: 4.8 /5
By member9109110 On 20th May 24 verified Verified student

it is great i am doing master's next year

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Student Review: 4.4 /5
By member10109107 On 20th May 24 verified Verified student

Vert useful. Very nice. Good university.

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Careers Service
Internet / Wifi
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Student Review: 4.6 /5
By member9109104 On 20th May 24 verified Verified student

Overall nice experience, the people are greate and the units are well structured

Campus / Facilities
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Careers Service
Internet / Wifi
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Student Review: 5 /5
By member7108930 On 17th May 24 verified Verified student

Good experience in here, love to stay here for next year

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Careers Service
Internet / Wifi
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Student Review: 3.6 /5
By member694254 On 16th May 24 verified Verified student

There are some services provided across campus, eg career advice, but you have to jump through a lot of hoops to get to it as drop-ins are highly limited.

Campus / Facilities
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Careers Service
Internet / Wifi
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Student Review: 5 /5
By member8108541 On 13th May 24 verified Verified student

Quite fulfilling experience overall

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Internet / Wifi
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Student Review: 4.6 /5
By member13108455 On 10th May 24 verified Verified student

The university of Manchester is one of a kind! As a sociology student, I feel at home and that there is so much to learn here. Learning here at Manchester doesn’t end in the lecture halls, it extends into the social world as well and I love it!

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Internet / Wifi
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Student Review: 4.6 /5
By member6108375 On 9th May 24 verified Verified student

You will always find people that you connect with! The study spaces are great, especially Ali g considering its open 24/7.

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Internet / Wifi
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Student Review: 3.8 /5
By member11108327 On 9th May 24 verified Verified student

It could be better in terms of social well-being. Which is missing between international and domestic students.

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Internet / Wifi
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Student Review: 4.2 /5
By member6108326 On 9th May 24 verified Verified student

Information on certain aspects like careers is more complicated then it needs to be.

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Internet / Wifi
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Student Review: 4 /5
By member13108322 On 9th May 24 verified Verified student

Good university, can feel a bit lonely at times

Campus / Facilities
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Careers Service
Internet / Wifi
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Student Review: 4.4 /5
By member6108295 On 9th May 24 verified Verified student

Uni is amazing! Good union prices and reliable wifi

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Internet / Wifi
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Student Review: 2.6 /5
By member13108014 On 3rd May 24 verified Verified student

Study spaces have to be renovated

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Internet / Wifi
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Student Review: 3.8 /5
By member11107987 On 3rd May 24 verified Verified student

The WiFi is probably the worst part about UoM.

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Internet / Wifi
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Student Review: 5 /5
By member10107801 On 1st May 24 verified Verified student

Best uni for societies and for studying

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Careers Service
Internet / Wifi
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Student Review: 4.6 /5
By member8107170 On 22nd April 24 verified Verified student

great uni, the societies are great and the location is great

Campus / Facilities
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Careers Service
Internet / Wifi
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Student Review: 5 /5
By Tom Jeffers On 16th April 24 verified Verified student

Great university but I didn't enjoy my course because it was so hard (Maths and Physics)

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Internet / Wifi
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Student Review: 5 /5
By member5106674 On 16th April 24 verified Verified student

Great place great WiFi great facilities

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Student Review: 5 /5
By member10106573 On 15th April 24 verified Verified student

From the comfortable environment to the friendly teachers and staff, it all made my study life easy and comfortable.

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Careers Service
Internet / Wifi
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Student Review: 5 /5
By member10106529 On 15th April 24 verified Verified student

Really great staff and facilities compared to rest of the accommodations

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Internet / Wifi
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Student Review: 3.6 /5
By member9106085 On 4th April 24 verified Verified student

Corrupt and doesn’t listen to its students. Staff on strike most of the time. Unhelpful support services. Generally incompetent IT team with **** wifi and data breaches as all their servers are on ancient tech. But those weren’t asked about in the star ratings lmfao

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Internet / Wifi
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Student Review: 3 /5
By member9106014 On 3rd April 24 verified Verified student

Overall the uni experience is fine

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Careers Service
Internet / Wifi
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Student Review: 3.8 /5
By member6104711 On 19th March 24 verified Verified student

University of Manchester offers a great academic experience, and the faculty staff are exceptional.

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Student Review: 5 /5
By Disha On 19th March 24 verified Verified student

That is excellent but is a little far from universally. Route to accommodation is scary at night

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Student Review: 4 /5
By member10104533 On 18th March 24 verified Verified student

My course has treated me terribly but facilities is good

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Internet / Wifi
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Student Review: 3.4 /5
By member5104526 On 18th March 24 verified Verified student

It has been an effective and enriching experience

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Internet / Wifi
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Student Review: 5 /5
By member11104504 On 18th March 24 verified Verified student

Great university - would recommend

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Internet / Wifi
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Student Review: 3 /5
By member8104472 On 18th March 24 verified Verified student

Nice campus environment and kind peers.

Campus / Facilities
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Students Union
Careers Service
Internet / Wifi
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Student Review: 3.2 /5
By member11104456 On 18th March 24 verified Verified student

Some tutors are supportive, some lecturers are great.

Campus / Facilities
Clubs and Societies
Students Union
Careers Service
Internet / Wifi
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Student Review: 4.2 /5
By member11104457 On 18th March 24 verified Verified student

It’s a good uni innit like I’m just there to chill

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Internet / Wifi
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Student Review: 4 /5
By member13104370 On 16th March 24 verified Verified student

Great university. Good facilities for students.

Campus / Facilities
Clubs and Societies
Students Union
Careers Service
Internet / Wifi
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Student Review: 4.6 /5
By member6104356 On 16th March 24 verified Verified student

nice campus and faculties, I can always get helps as an international student.

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Student Review: 3.6 /5
By member4104307 On 15th March 24 verified Verified student

The SU is very politically biased, unfriendly atmosphere for students outside the groupthink. Wifi is often intermittent

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Student Review: 4.2 /5
By member8104270 On 15th March 24 verified Verified student

Beautiful campus, great tutors, and helpful staff.

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Students Union
Careers Service
Internet / Wifi
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Student Review: 5 /5
By member9104190 On 14th March 24 verified Verified student

It’s a good experience to study at the UOM

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Internet / Wifi
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Student Review: 4.2 /5
By member4103523 On 11th March 24 verified Verified student

I love the campus, always busy and a really nice atmosphere. Plenty of good study spaces but everywhere can get very busy

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Internet / Wifi
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Student Review: 5 /5
By member5103425 On 11th March 24 verified Verified student

Great uni experience, all I could’ve asked for

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Students Union
Careers Service
Internet / Wifi
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Student Review: 4 /5
By member13103419 On 11th March 24 verified Verified student

the university of manchester is strict. :(

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Student Review: 4.4 /5
By member13103412 On 11th March 24 verified Verified student

Good almost perfect. Really nice to be here.

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Careers Service
Internet / Wifi
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Student Review: 4.8 /5
By member10103391 On 11th March 24 verified Verified student

Super helpful staff. They are very friendly. Sana, kaide, sam and narmeen are super very sweet

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Internet / Wifi
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Student Review: 3.8 /5
By member12103300 On 8th March 24 verified Verified student

Great university but no campus placement

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Student Review: 4.4 /5
By member6103194 On 7th March 24 verified Verified student

University of manchester has uk's biggest department of material science

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Student Review: 3.4 /5
By member4103005 On 6th March 24 verified Verified student

Wi-Fi can be improved for the university

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Careers Service
Internet / Wifi
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Student Review: 5 /5
By member6102948 On 5th March 24 verified Verified student

Excellent university with peaceful classrooms

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Student Review: 5 /5
By member4102918 On 5th March 24 verified Verified student

Overall really good, staff helpful

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Careers Service
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Student Review: 5 /5
By member9102919 On 5th March 24 verified Verified student

Very nice and well built and make

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Careers Service
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Student Review: 5 /5
By member13102896 On 4th March 24 verified Verified student

One of the best accommodations in manchester

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Careers Service
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Student Review: 4.8 /5
By member10102881 On 4th March 24 verified Verified student

Very good experience and helpful teachers.

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Students Union
Careers Service
Internet / Wifi
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Student Review: 3.6 /5
By member5102875 On 4th March 24 verified Verified student

nice buildings and area, good public transport and not far from city centre

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Student Review: 4.4 /5
By member6102843 On 4th March 24 verified Verified student

I love the University of Manchester, I have great experience in the university.

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Student Review: 4.8 /5
By member11102834 On 4th March 24 verified Verified student

Really great uni, i’ve met some of my bestest friends here!

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Student Review: 5 /5
By member13102826 On 4th March 24 verified Verified student

It's good and helping the college is a hub of knowledge.

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Student Review: 5 /5
By member9102825 On 4th March 24 verified Verified student

Good college. Good course. Great people

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Student Review: 4.2 /5
By member6102820 On 4th March 24 verified Verified student

I’ve really enjoyed my time here so far - the campus is set out well and everything is so welcoming

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Student Review: 3 /5
By member11102817 On 4th March 24 verified Verified student

It was great to stay here for 1 year

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Student Review: 4 /5
By member11102395 On 28th February 24 verified Verified student

Nice place to stay. Everybody is really helpful

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Careers Service
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Student Review: 4.4 /5
By member5102133 On 26th February 24 verified Verified student

Great uni and department for social sciences but could improve on basic admin

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Student Review: 4.4 /5
By member6102033 On 25th February 24 verified Verified student

Professors and all the amenities on the campus are great. It’s a very holistic experience:)

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Careers Service
Internet / Wifi
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Student Review: 4.6 /5
By member7101929 On 23rd February 24 verified Verified student

Loving UoM, very supportive of students opinions and overall fun.

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Careers Service
Internet / Wifi
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Student Review: 5 /5
By member5101896 On 23rd February 24 verified Verified student

Its been a great experience, i love it

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Students Union
Careers Service
Internet / Wifi
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Student Review: 4.4 /5
By member10101893 On 23rd February 24 verified Verified student

A nice uni with a lot of stuff to do for entertainment or educational purposes.

Campus / Facilities
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Students Union
Careers Service
Internet / Wifi
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Student Review: 5 /5
By member10101803 On 22nd February 24 verified Verified student

Love the staff they’re so nice and bubbly. Sana, Sam and Leslie are the most helpful stuff.

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Careers Service
Internet / Wifi
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Student Review: 3.6 /5
By member10101773 On 22nd February 24 verified Verified student

a pretty good university, theres not much to complain about. the IT is pretty bad though, there have been issues with my manchester for 13 months now and these are still not resolved

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Student Review: 3.8 /5
By member6101712 On 22nd February 24 verified Verified student

The food options on and around Campus are quite limited. The wifi is generally.good but occasionally is noticably worse or just doesn't work.

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Careers Service
Internet / Wifi
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Student Review: 5 /5
By member12101616 On 21st February 24 verified Verified student

good experience studying in the university of Manchester

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Student Review: 4.8 /5
By member8101596 On 21st February 24 verified Verified student

The University of Manchester is the biggest on-campus universitiy in Europe, and has more societies than you can even think to name. There's a thriving student community and this is well-supported by department staff, comprehensive teaching, and shared building and resources for the students.

Campus / Facilities
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Students Union
Careers Service
Internet / Wifi
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Student Review: 5 /5
By member10101504 On 21st February 24 verified Verified student

It’s a great place to be with great facilities

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Student Review: 5 /5
By member1099593 On 7th February 24 verified Verified student

Reception Ruby is very enthusiastic and friendly! She is patient to help me solve my problems and get my parcel, It's nice to see her every day!

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Student Review: 5 /5
By member898195 On 26th January 24 verified Verified student

Daisy bank hall is quite a nice and quiet place to live in. Every single one in daisy bank is so nice and they are always willing to help you if you are in need of it. Claudia is a considerate manager here. Tesco, Lidl, Poundland and Morrison's are just 10-minute-walk away from here. People live here can hardly get overwhelmed because we can get warmth here. For example, you will receive christmas gift during holidays, drinking a cup of free tea in the tea month and get free hotdogs and pizza at the very beginning of one semester and so on. I am about to go back to China the day after tomorrow. I really spent a great time here, in Daisy Bank Hall, in Manchester, in the UK. A lovely place!

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Student Review: 4.8 /5
By Sumedh On 3rd January 24 verified Verified student

Top notch university. Highly recommend it for STEM degrees.

Campus / Facilities
Clubs and Societies
Students Union
Careers Service
Internet / Wifi
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Student Review: 4 /5
By member694996 On 17th November 23 verified Verified student

Careers service has been really helpful, I’ve had multiple appointments and they are simple to book, however can be booked out for weeeks during busy periods. In that case there tend arrange random drop in sessions where you can receive the same help without having to wait for a booking.

Campus / Facilities
Clubs and Societies
Students Union
Careers Service
Internet / Wifi
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Student Review: 4.6 /5
By member694266 On 30th October 23 verified Verified student

You feel the repute of the university when you walk down Oxford Road. It is huge and spread out with world class infrastructure and facilities. Student life is active here and there is always some or the other thing going on. Classes are challenging, as they should be. Helps grow personally and professionally.

Campus / Facilities
Clubs and Societies
Students Union
Careers Service
Internet / Wifi
All reviews are the views of StudentCrowd members, not of StudentCrowd Limited
Student Review: 5 /5
By member1294261 On 30th October 23 verified Verified student

Excellent experience, the campus is great and the people, both staff and colleagues are really nice.

Campus / Facilities
Clubs and Societies
Students Union
Careers Service
Internet / Wifi
All reviews are the views of StudentCrowd members, not of StudentCrowd Limited
Student Review: 3.8 /5
By member1294258 On 30th October 23 verified Verified student

good experience so far. very enjoyable campus.

Campus / Facilities
Clubs and Societies
Students Union
Careers Service
Internet / Wifi
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Student Review: 4.4 /5
By member694254 On 30th October 23 verified Verified student

Any faulty facilities or internet connection issues are quickly fixed. There are still some concerns over security following the previous cyber attack though.

Campus / Facilities
Clubs and Societies
Students Union
Careers Service
Internet / Wifi
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Student Review: 3.4 /5
By member594229 On 30th October 23 verified Verified student

It's alright but trying to get offices within the university to respond to issues usually takes forever, expect to be responded to in the next working week...

Campus / Facilities
Clubs and Societies
Students Union
Careers Service
Internet / Wifi
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Student Review: 3.8 /5
By member994226 On 29th October 23 verified Verified student

So far i had a good experience with the university i'm happy.

Campus / Facilities
Clubs and Societies
Students Union
Careers Service
Internet / Wifi
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Student Review: 4.4 /5
By member494168 On 28th October 23 verified Verified student

People here are humble and accept different nationalities. Overall, I have had a good experience so far.

Campus / Facilities
Clubs and Societies
Students Union
Careers Service
Internet / Wifi
All reviews are the views of StudentCrowd members, not of StudentCrowd Limited
Student Review: 4 /5
By member1394140 On 27th October 23 verified Verified student

Nice campus. Lots of activities going on.

Campus / Facilities
Clubs and Societies
Students Union
Careers Service
Internet / Wifi
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Student Review: 2.6 /5
By member1294126 On 27th October 23 verified Verified student

The cleaning of toilets is terrible, and the login of eduroam is troublesome for the first-time users.

Campus / Facilities
Clubs and Societies
Students Union
Careers Service
Internet / Wifi
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Student Review: 4.4 /5
By member594109 On 27th October 23 verified Verified student

All facilities are beyond my expectation.

Campus / Facilities
Clubs and Societies
Students Union
Careers Service
Internet / Wifi
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Student Review: 4.8 /5
By member494107 On 27th October 23 verified Verified student

The city is amazing and the vibes are wonderful

Campus / Facilities
Clubs and Societies
Students Union
Careers Service
Internet / Wifi
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Student Review: 4.8 /5
By member1094095 On 27th October 23 verified Verified student

We have probabaly the largest and the most beautiful campus in all of UK. It is so huge that sometimes it gets a little tough to navigate through building.

Campus / Facilities
Clubs and Societies
Students Union
Careers Service
Internet / Wifi
All reviews are the views of StudentCrowd members, not of StudentCrowd Limited
Student Review: 5 /5
By member1294069 On 27th October 23 verified Verified student

The University of Manchester stands as a beacon of exceptional learning opportunities, providing an environment where education, facilities, and international societies converge to create an unparalleled student experience.

Campus / Facilities
Clubs and Societies
Students Union
Careers Service
Internet / Wifi
All reviews are the views of StudentCrowd members, not of StudentCrowd Limited
Student Review: 4.2 /5
By member494065 On 27th October 23 verified Verified student

Perfect. There is almost nothing to complain about. What I can say is that sometimes, the university's internet is not working so I cannot check-in, but I think it is alright

Campus / Facilities
Clubs and Societies
Students Union
Careers Service
Internet / Wifi
All reviews are the views of StudentCrowd members, not of StudentCrowd Limited
Student Review: 4.6 /5
By member1294062 On 27th October 23 verified Verified student

I love the university of Manchester because of the state of art facilities

Campus / Facilities
Clubs and Societies
Students Union
Careers Service
Internet / Wifi
All reviews are the views of StudentCrowd members, not of StudentCrowd Limited
Student Review: 4.6 /5
By member1194039 On 27th October 23 verified Verified student

Good and excellent facilities.

Campus / Facilities
Clubs and Societies
Students Union
Careers Service
Internet / Wifi
All reviews are the views of StudentCrowd members, not of StudentCrowd Limited
Student Review: 5 /5
By member794034 On 27th October 23 verified Verified student

Great uni, just if you study medicine, you may be put onto the preston campus, which is very far out, and none of the central campus societies really apply unless you want to commute 45 mins by train to go to a society event...

Campus / Facilities
Clubs and Societies
Students Union
Careers Service
Internet / Wifi
All reviews are the views of StudentCrowd members, not of StudentCrowd Limited
Student Review: 4.8 /5
By member1194020 On 27th October 23 verified Verified student

My University of Manchester Experience: Thriving in the Third Year My journey at the University of Manchester has been an incredible adventure, especially now that I've reached my third year. Over this time, I've experienced tremendous personal and academic growth. The academic rigors of this prestigious institution have challenged and expanded my knowledge and critical thinking. My courses have become more specialized, allowing me to delve deeper into my chosen field of study. The guidance from my professors and the resources available on campus have been invaluable in supporting my academic journey. Outside the classroom, Manchester has provided a vibrant and diverse cultural experience. The city's rich history, thriving arts scene, and lively student community have offered me numerous opportunities to explore and expand my horizons. Through my involvement in clubs, societies, and volunteering, I've built lasting friendships and developed leadership skills that will serve me

Campus / Facilities
Clubs and Societies
Students Union
Careers Service
Internet / Wifi
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Student Review: 5 /5
By member1393995 On 27th October 23 verified Verified student

Great experience throughout. No complaints whatsoever.

Campus / Facilities
Clubs and Societies
Students Union
Careers Service
Internet / Wifi
All reviews are the views of StudentCrowd members, not of StudentCrowd Limited
Student Review: 4.6 /5
By member1193977 On 27th October 23 verified Verified student

campus and facilities are excellent

Campus / Facilities
Clubs and Societies
Students Union
Careers Service
Internet / Wifi
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Student Review: 3.4 /5
By member993973 On 27th October 23 verified Verified student

Very nice campus and a lot of cafes and study areas nearby

Campus / Facilities
Clubs and Societies
Students Union
Careers Service
Internet / Wifi
All reviews are the views of StudentCrowd members, not of StudentCrowd Limited
Student Review: 4.6 /5
By member1293971 On 27th October 23 verified Verified student

Many helpful lecturers, and has plenty of diversity

Campus / Facilities
Clubs and Societies
Students Union
Careers Service
Internet / Wifi
All reviews are the views of StudentCrowd members, not of StudentCrowd Limited
Student Review: 3 /5
By member993924 On 27th October 23 verified Verified student

Pleasant stay. Good location, closer from university and shops.

Campus / Facilities
Clubs and Societies
Students Union
Careers Service
Internet / Wifi
All reviews are the views of StudentCrowd members, not of StudentCrowd Limited

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