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1.8 mi from University College London (UCL) - Bloomsbury Campus View map
  • 36 mins
  • 12 mins
  • 17 mins
1.8 mi from University College London (UCL) - Bloomsbury Campus View map
  • 36 mins
  • 12 mins
  • 17 mins

How do you rate Ann Stephenson?

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Most helpful review

Pros: - 10-min walk to Camden Market - 30-min walk to the campus @ 20-min by bus (take the no 29 bus) - the bus stop is just in front of the hall - the room is spacious compared to max rayne room - closer to the reception - share the bathroom with less people (either 2 or 4 more people) - squirrels never enter my room - the wall is more soundproof compared to max rayne - cleaner clean the kitchen and bathroom frequently - the room is warmer than max rayne (don’t feel that cold in winter, spring and autumn) the room temp is much colder in max rayne Cons: - can hear the sound of the vehicles if your room is facing the road (but it doesn’t disturb your study) - no lift - no washing machines in the building (need to go to ifor evans or max rayne house) - there are a few times when wifi eduroam is not working (including in max rayne and ifor evans) - common room is located in max rayne

Value for money
Property management
Social spaces
Social experience
Internet / Wifi
By izyphd
On 13th August 24
verified Verified student
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University College London (UCL) Hall Rankings

Goldsmiths House #13
AXO Oxford Circus #14
Ifor Evans Hall #15
Helen Graham House #16
Beaumont Court #17
urbanest King's Cross #18
iQ The Arcade #19
Dashwood Studios #20
Spring Mews #21
Ann Stephenson

Not Ranked*

*Minimum 10 reviews required to be ranked.

Most helpful review

Pros: - 10-min walk to Camden Market - 30-min walk to the campus @ 20-min by bus (take the no 29 bus) - the bus stop is just in front of the hall - the room is spacious compared to max rayne room - closer to the reception - share the bathroom with less people (either 2 or 4 more people) - squirrels never enter my room - the wall is more soundproof compared to max rayne - cleaner clean the kitchen and bathroom frequently - the room is warmer than max rayne (don’t feel that cold in winter, spring and autumn) the room temp is much colder in max rayne Cons: - can hear the sound of the vehicles if your room is facing the road (but it doesn’t disturb your study) - no lift - no washing machines in the building (need to go to ifor evans or max rayne house) - there are a few times when wifi eduroam is not working (including in max rayne and ifor evans) - common room is located in max rayne

Value for money
Property management
Social spaces
Social experience
Internet / Wifi
By izyphd
On 13th August 24
verified Verified student
Read all reviews


can I book a room here for 22 may 2024?
By member9105533 On 25th March 24
What about facilities and safety of Ann Stephenson
By member1249579 On 30th June 20

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Read Ann Stephenson Reviews

Student Review: 4.7 /5
By izyphd On 13th August 24 verified Verified student

Pros: - 10-min walk to Camden Market - 30-min walk to the campus @ 20-min by bus (take the no 29 bus) - the bus stop is just in front of the hall - the room is spacious compared to max rayne room - closer to the reception - share the bathroom with less people (either 2 or 4 more people) - squirrels never enter my room - the wall is more soundproof compared to max rayne - cleaner clean the kitchen and bathroom frequently - the room is warmer than max rayne (don’t feel that cold in winter, spring and autumn) the room temp is much colder in max rayne Cons: - can hear the sound of the vehicles if your room is facing the road (but it doesn’t disturb your study) - no lift - no washing machines in the building (need to go to ifor evans or max rayne house) - there are a few times when wifi eduroam is not working (including in max rayne and ifor evans) - common room is located in max rayne

Value for money
Property management
Social spaces
Social experience
Internet / Wifi
All reviews are the views of StudentCrowd members, not of StudentCrowd Limited
Student Review: 3.7 /5
By member684867 On 24th April 23 verified Verified student

Good location close to Camden town. Bus stop just outside the gates. Most friendly reception office workers, absolutely attentive to my complaints. Remedial measures were taken almost immediately. My flat was not cleaned properly when I took over, but it's the cleanest now for the next occupant. A tall order for the next student to maintain the cleanliness

Value for money
Property management
Social spaces
Social experience
Internet / Wifi
All reviews are the views of StudentCrowd members, not of StudentCrowd Limited

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