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197 ft from nearest campus View map
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How do you rate Kingfisher Court?

credit: tbc
Most helpful review

I stayed at Kingfisher for my first year as the location is right on campus, however, this didn't make up for the terrible stay. The beds were uncomfy, there was no social atmosphere, all the other rooms had TV's, leather couches but ours didn't and when we complained about how it was unfair it took 6 months for them to give us basic facilities. I know they've recently been renovated but I doubt there are any better. Great for location, poor for everything else.

Value for money
Property management
Social spaces
Social experience
Internet / Wifi
By Life24601
On 9th July 19
verified Verified student
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Leicester Hall Rankings

Brookland Road #23
140 New Walk #24
Newarke Street #25
Bede Hall #26
Queens Court #27
Upperton Road #28
Nixon Court Blocks A-E #29
New Wharf Hall #30
The Summit #31
Kingfisher Court

Not Ranked*

*Minimum 10 reviews required to be ranked.

Most helpful review

I stayed at Kingfisher for my first year as the location is right on campus, however, this didn't make up for the terrible stay. The beds were uncomfy, there was no social atmosphere, all the other rooms had TV's, leather couches but ours didn't and when we complained about how it was unfair it took 6 months for them to give us basic facilities. I know they've recently been renovated but I doubt there are any better. Great for location, poor for everything else.

Value for money
Property management
Social spaces
Social experience
Internet / Wifi
By Life24601
On 9th July 19
verified Verified student
Read all reviews


how many laundry rooms are there in kingfisher court
By member561715 On 14th August 21

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Read Kingfisher Court Reviews

Student Review: 2.3 /5
By Life24601 On 9th July 19 verified Verified student

I stayed at Kingfisher for my first year as the location is right on campus, however, this didn't make up for the terrible stay. The beds were uncomfy, there was no social atmosphere, all the other rooms had TV's, leather couches but ours didn't and when we complained about how it was unfair it took 6 months for them to give us basic facilities. I know they've recently been renovated but I doubt there are any better. Great for location, poor for everything else.

Value for money
Property management
Social spaces
Social experience
Internet / Wifi
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