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The Place Reviews

Brand new - opening 2024

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The Place

What are the top reasons for choosing The Place

We spoke to Prestige Student Living to find out more:

1. The Place offers students quick and easy access to local universities as Nottingham Trent University is a 10-minute cycle away, and the University of Nottingham is a 16-minute cycle away.
2. The accommodation has bus links/routes on its doorstep, so residents can get to and from class as well as the city with ease.
3. The communal lounge, 360 rooftop terrace, and private dining room are great spaces to relax in and make new friends.
4. There is a well-equipped gym onsite, so you can skip a gym membership.
5. To ensure a hassle-free stay, there is a meeting room, study rooms, and Wi-Fi.
6. You can take comfort in knowing you have everything you need, as there is bike storage, a laundry room, contents insurance, and all-inclusive bills. 


The Place provides residents with cosy ensuite and studio rooms. Stay in an ensuite room and share a kitchen and living space with friends and flatmates. If you prefer to have a little more privacy, you can choose a studio room where you have everything to yourself.

Coventry Hall Rankings

33 Parkside #1
The Residence #2
Infinity #3
Willowbank Mews #4
Albany Student Village #5
Eden Square #6
Burges House #7
Corporation Village #8
Gulson Gardens #9
The Oaks - Warwick #10

*Minimum 10 reviews required to be ranked.

The Place

What are the top reasons for choosing The Place

We spoke to Prestige Student Living to find out more:

1. The Place offers students quick and easy access to local universities as Nottingham Trent University is a 10-minute cycle away, and the University of Nottingham is a 16-minute cycle away.
2. The accommodation has bus links/routes on its doorstep, so residents can get to and from class as well as the city with ease.
3. The communal lounge, 360 rooftop terrace, and private dining room are great spaces to relax in and make new friends.
4. There is a well-equipped gym onsite, so you can skip a gym membership.
5. To ensure a hassle-free stay, there is a meeting room, study rooms, and Wi-Fi.
6. You can take comfort in knowing you have everything you need, as there is bike storage, a laundry room, contents insurance, and all-inclusive bills. 


The Place provides residents with cosy ensuite and studio rooms. Stay in an ensuite room and share a kitchen and living space with friends and flatmates. If you prefer to have a little more privacy, you can choose a studio room where you have everything to yourself.



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