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0.3 mi from University College London (UCL) - Bloomsbury Campus View map
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0.3 mi from University College London (UCL) - Bloomsbury Campus View map
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How do you rate Ramsay Hall?

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Most helpful review

Great location, but poor management. Always block the door with something heavy, or you would have no privacy as the managers would open your door with a key, without knocking on the door. This had happened to me multiple times.

Value for money
Property management
Social spaces
Social experience
Internet / Wifi
By member751120
On 13th September 20
verified Verified student
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University College London (UCL) Hall Rankings

iQ Highbury #13
AXO Oxford Circus #14
Ifor Evans Hall #15
Helen Graham House #16
Beaumont Court #17
urbanest King's Cross #18
Spring Mews #19
iQ The Arcade #20
Dashwood Studios #21
Ramsay Hall

Not Ranked*

*Minimum 10 reviews required to be ranked.

Most helpful review

Great location, but poor management. Always block the door with something heavy, or you would have no privacy as the managers would open your door with a key, without knocking on the door. This had happened to me multiple times.

Value for money
Property management
Social spaces
Social experience
Internet / Wifi
By member751120
On 13th September 20
verified Verified student
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Are the washrooms all gender or seperate How about cleanliness
By member590355 On 22nd August 23
What kind of food do they generally serve?
By member833293 On 2nd August 18

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Read Ramsay Hall Reviews

Student Review: 3.9 /5
By member751120 On 13th September 20 verified Verified student

Great location, but poor management. Always block the door with something heavy, or you would have no privacy as the managers would open your door with a key, without knocking on the door. This had happened to me multiple times.

Value for money
Property management
Social spaces
Social experience
Internet / Wifi
All reviews are the views of StudentCrowd members, not of StudentCrowd Limited
Student Review: 4.1 /5
By member523522 On 6th August 16 verified Verified student

I stayed in Ramsay Hall for a UCL Summer School. As the accommodation was free, I cannot really comment about the rent. Although the accommodation felt old and tired, it was clean and comfortable enough. The bathrooms were alright; for me, the worst thing about the bathroom was the dirty and sometimes overflowing toilets. Many of my peers also disliked the push-buttons to operate the showers. Despite this, I actually had fun in Ramsay Hall. Its central location was useful and the social life was excellent. I became really good friends with most of the people that I shared halls with. However, Ramsay Hall has one main downfall: food. If you have an allergy, then I would advise you to steer clear. I am lactose intolerant and they continually presented me with meals that I could not eat. I did eat some food, though; if you're looking for edible food, Ramsay Hall isn't the place. Overall, Ramsay Hall has great social life, but the food is rubbish. Think carefully before you stay there.

Value for money
Property management
Social spaces
Social experience
Internet / Wifi
All reviews are the views of StudentCrowd members, not of StudentCrowd Limited
Student Review: 3 /5
By member1322643 On 26th May 16 verified Verified student

overpriced AF

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Internet / Wifi
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Student Review: 3.9 /5
By member519544 On 23rd November 15 verified Verified student

Ramsay hall is one of the best halls if you're a 1st year student at UCL! Everyone says so

Value for money
Property management
Social spaces
Social experience
Internet / Wifi
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Student Review: 2.7 /5
By member1215654 On 24th September 15 verified Verified student

Managing to be simultaneously a party hall yet awkwardly shy, Ramsay Hall is about as London as you can get. It's a lot of money for what you get but I do appreciate the location- never in my life will I manage to live this central again.

Value for money
Property management
Social spaces
Social experience
Internet / Wifi
All reviews are the views of StudentCrowd members, not of StudentCrowd Limited
Student Review: 2.9 /5
By member814792 On 17th August 15 verified Verified student

Very social but for what it is rent is extortionate. Perfect location but it really is a prison

Value for money
Property management
Social spaces
Social experience
Internet / Wifi
All reviews are the views of StudentCrowd members, not of StudentCrowd Limited

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