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3.2 mi from University of Edinburgh - Central Area Campus, George Square View map
  • 1 hour 2 mins
  • 15 mins
  • 26 mins
3.2 mi from University of Edinburgh - Central Area Campus, George Square View map
  • 1 hour 2 mins
  • 15 mins
  • 26 mins

How do you rate Pentland House?

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Most helpful review

Okay, where do I begin... The best part about Pentland House is that the apartment complex is new and has a nice aesthetic feeling to it. That's about it. The building smells awfully like sweat all the time and the air is super heavy, as the air ventilation system sucks. The building is quite far away from the campus, meaning you have to allow yourself at least 45mins by bus to get to the city centre. During rush hour it might be even worse. There's Circuit laundry, but there are only 10 washers and dryers altogether. That being said, you might end up waiting to get your washing done for several hours. The walls are also super thin and you can hear ppl who are several floors up. Building management is lovely and the staff are generally friendly, even though you might not see them a lot. Common areas tend to be dirty during the weekend but are regularly cleaned during the weekdays.

Value for money
Property management
Social spaces
Social experience
Internet / Wifi
By member588641
On 4th July 23
verified Verified student
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University of Edinburgh Hall Rankings

Meadow Court #30
iQ Fountainbridge #31
Darroch Court #32
Kincaid's Court #33
Riego Street #34
Edinburgh College Residences #35
Deaconess #36
Morgan Court #37
O'Shea North #38
Pentland House

Not Ranked*

*Minimum 10 reviews required to be ranked.

Most helpful review

Okay, where do I begin... The best part about Pentland House is that the apartment complex is new and has a nice aesthetic feeling to it. That's about it. The building smells awfully like sweat all the time and the air is super heavy, as the air ventilation system sucks. The building is quite far away from the campus, meaning you have to allow yourself at least 45mins by bus to get to the city centre. During rush hour it might be even worse. There's Circuit laundry, but there are only 10 washers and dryers altogether. That being said, you might end up waiting to get your washing done for several hours. The walls are also super thin and you can hear ppl who are several floors up. Building management is lovely and the staff are generally friendly, even though you might not see them a lot. Common areas tend to be dirty during the weekend but are regularly cleaned during the weekdays.

Value for money
Property management
Social spaces
Social experience
Internet / Wifi
By member588641
On 4th July 23
verified Verified student
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How many students share a kitchen
By member661972 On 27th August 21

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Read Pentland House Reviews

Student Review: 3.4 /5
By member588641 On 4th July 23 verified Verified student

Okay, where do I begin... The best part about Pentland House is that the apartment complex is new and has a nice aesthetic feeling to it. That's about it. The building smells awfully like sweat all the time and the air is super heavy, as the air ventilation system sucks. The building is quite far away from the campus, meaning you have to allow yourself at least 45mins by bus to get to the city centre. During rush hour it might be even worse. There's Circuit laundry, but there are only 10 washers and dryers altogether. That being said, you might end up waiting to get your washing done for several hours. The walls are also super thin and you can hear ppl who are several floors up. Building management is lovely and the staff are generally friendly, even though you might not see them a lot. Common areas tend to be dirty during the weekend but are regularly cleaned during the weekdays.

Value for money
Property management
Social spaces
Social experience
Internet / Wifi
All reviews are the views of StudentCrowd members, not of StudentCrowd Limited
Student Review: 3.4 /5
By member1069499 On 15th June 22 verified Verified student

Postgraduate accommodation. Location, close to many amenities and good public transport connections however not close to any university buildings. Building, all brand new and complete to very high quality. Cleaned regularly and nice staff. Social, I would say mixed. Socials organised by Resident Assistants (RAs) but designed for people brand new to Edinburgh/UK. Apart from poor location in my view, very nice accommodation.

Value for money
Property management
Social spaces
Social experience
Internet / Wifi
All reviews are the views of StudentCrowd members, not of StudentCrowd Limited
Student Review: 2.9 /5
By member663839 On 14th November 21 verified Verified student

Beware students that get this pentland house place, the walls in the rooms are very thin, you will hear every movement of your flatmates! , plus the location isnt that great

Value for money
Property management
Social spaces
Social experience
Internet / Wifi
All reviews are the views of StudentCrowd members, not of StudentCrowd Limited

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