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Queen Alexandra’s House Reviews

3 Reviews by Students

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How do you rate Queen Alexandra’s House?

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Most helpful review

QAH is an excellent place to stay as a student. It has such a nurturing and supportive environment. All the staff and residents at QAH are incredibly friendly to make you feel at home easily. I enjoyed my stay there greatly for the past two years.

Value for money
Property management
Social spaces
Social experience
Internet / Wifi
By member567692
On 31st March 22
verified Verified student
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South West London Hall Rankings

Davidson House #7
Tribu #8
Prince Consort Village #9
Lilian Knowles House #10
New Orient House #11
Rosebery Hall #12
High Holborn Residence #13
Seething Wells #14
Clayhill #15
Queen Alexandra’s House

Not Ranked*

*Minimum 10 reviews required to be ranked.

Most helpful review

QAH is an excellent place to stay as a student. It has such a nurturing and supportive environment. All the staff and residents at QAH are incredibly friendly to make you feel at home easily. I enjoyed my stay there greatly for the past two years.

Value for money
Property management
Social spaces
Social experience
Internet / Wifi
By member567692
On 31st March 22
verified Verified student
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Read Queen Alexandra’s House Reviews

Student Review: 2.4 /5
By member8101615 On 21st February 24 verified Verified student

Conveniently close to Imperial College and offers amenities like food and a good common room. However, some of the rooms in the building are cramped, and there's significant external and equipment noise in certain areas (I recorded 2GB of noise overnight using my phone and raised complaints, but the admin refused to address it but implied I could move out), resulting in a subpar living experience. The dormitory manager is extremely rude and disrespectful, and the supposed committee of the apartment handles tenant disputes in a very authoritarian manner. As an international student, I have faced disproportionate treatment and had to move out during exam season due to these circumstances.

Value for money
Property management
Social spaces
Social experience
Internet / Wifi
All reviews are the views of StudentCrowd members, not of StudentCrowd Limited
Student Review: 5 /5
By member567692 On 31st March 22 verified Verified student

QAH is an excellent place to stay as a student. It has such a nurturing and supportive environment. All the staff and residents at QAH are incredibly friendly to make you feel at home easily. I enjoyed my stay there greatly for the past two years.

Value for money
Property management
Social spaces
Social experience
Internet / Wifi
All reviews are the views of StudentCrowd members, not of StudentCrowd Limited
Student Review: 4.3 /5
By member1363981 On 18th November 21 verified Verified student

Queen Alexandra's House is a brilliant student accomodation, a house for women from disclplines ranging from Ballet, Classic Music, Science etc. Location is perfect, at the centre of a cultural bubble right next to the Royal Albert Hall.

Value for money
Property management
Social spaces
Social experience
Internet / Wifi
All reviews are the views of StudentCrowd members, not of StudentCrowd Limited

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