Home / Robert Gordon University (RGU) / Courses /Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmacy

Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmacy

Included in this category are a wide range of degrees, each with a different career focus. Pharmacology teaches students research techniques required for discovering new treatments. Toxicology is focused on the inverse, discovering and understanding the things which seek to harm us. Pharmacy is required for more vocational careers, with a focus on drug understanding and delivery.


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2 courses are available in for Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmacy


Pharmacy MPharm

Pharmacy MPharm UCAS Code B230

Pharmacy MPharm

  • Full-Time
  • 4 years course
  • On Campus

Pharmacy MPharm

  • Full-Time
  • 4 years course
  • On Campus
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