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Edge Apartments Reviews

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Edge Apartments

What are the top reasons for choosing Edge Apartments?

We spoke to Student FM to find out more:

1. Residents can roll out of bed and be on campus in no time as De Montfort University is a mere 0.1 miles away.
2. The accommodation is surrounded by numerous clubs, pubs, bars, gyms, shops, live music, cafes, restaurants, various forms of entertainment and transport links.
3. To ensure a hassle-free stay, there is Wi-Fi and communal laundry facilities.
4. There are no hidden costs as all bills and contents insurance are included in the rental price.
5. For added comfort, there is an on-site manager, concierge, and maintenance team.
6. The building is equipped with CCTV, secure entry, a security alarm, and a security officer. 


Edge Apartments boasts a range of spacious and modern studio rooms. Each room comes fully furnished with all the necessities, including a bed, wardrobe, storage space, bathroom, TV, study area, and kitchen.

Leicester Hall Rankings

73 Princess Road East #1
St George's Tower #2
Study Inn Leicester - Reynard House #3
The Tannery #4
Newarke Point #5
Castle Court #6
Merlin Heights #7
Liberty Park #8
Applegate Place #9
Dover Street Apartments #10

*Minimum 10 reviews required to be ranked.

Edge Apartments

What are the top reasons for choosing Edge Apartments?

We spoke to Student FM to find out more:

1. Residents can roll out of bed and be on campus in no time as De Montfort University is a mere 0.1 miles away.
2. The accommodation is surrounded by numerous clubs, pubs, bars, gyms, shops, live music, cafes, restaurants, various forms of entertainment and transport links.
3. To ensure a hassle-free stay, there is Wi-Fi and communal laundry facilities.
4. There are no hidden costs as all bills and contents insurance are included in the rental price.
5. For added comfort, there is an on-site manager, concierge, and maintenance team.
6. The building is equipped with CCTV, secure entry, a security alarm, and a security officer. 


Edge Apartments boasts a range of spacious and modern studio rooms. Each room comes fully furnished with all the necessities, including a bed, wardrobe, storage space, bathroom, TV, study area, and kitchen.


Why are there no reviews on this property it looks amazing but very few photos Has it opened yet
By member446099 On 25th February 20

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